Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a painful and debilitating condition that is often caused by repetitive motion. When treated early, CTS responds well to conservative treatment, allowing individuals to avoid drugs and surgery.
Frequently asked questions
What Is Carpel Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is a painful condition often affecting digits from the thumb to the ring finger. It is characterized by symptoms of burning, numbness and tingling that may be present from the fingertips to the elbow. It is important that this condition is differentiated from entrapment of the nerve in the forearm, elbow or shoulder.
At Advanced Physical Medicine & Therapy, our staff of providers is well equipped and trained in finding the root cause of your condition. Once an accurate diagnosis is established specific treatment protocols are applied to achieve the quickest positive results.
What Are The Causes of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome?
CTS is caused by compresssion of the median nerve at the wrists as it passes throught the carpal tunnel, a narrow passageway at the base of the hand.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually caused by repetitive motions involving the fingers, wrists and forearms. It may be exacerbated by poor ergonomics and support.
It affects three times as many women as men. There may be a genetic predisposition for this condition. It more often afflicts those with diabetes and thyroid conditions.
Will Carpal Tunnel Syndrome go away if I do nothing?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome may resolve if the offending activity is stopped. If the precipitating behavior continues or if there are co-morbidities present your condition may worsen.
What are Common Treatments for CTS?
Treatments include:
- chiropractic manipulation to the wrist
- splinting of the wrist
- myofascial release to relax tight muscles in the forearms, wrists, hands, and shoulders
- therapeutic exercises to stretch the ligaments, tendons and muscles of the wrist and forearm
- class IV laser treatment
- anti-inflammatory supplements
- pulse wave therapy
What Can You Do To Prevent CTS?
Prevention of CTS includes avoidance of repetitive motions and the practice of good ergonomics. In cases where repetitive motion cannot be avoided bracing can help.
Call 847-222-9060 today for an appointment if you have questions or concerns related to this condition.