Knee Pain

Knee pain affects approximately 25%  of all individuals at some point in their life.  Conservative treatment options are often successful and should be explored before surgical options.  It is important to seek care immediately if the knee is swollen, you cannot fully extend or flex your knee, or you cannot fully bear weight oor your knee feels unstable, or if you have had an acute injury. 


What are common conditions related to the knee?

  • sprained ligaments (ACL, PCL, MCL and LCL) or strained tendons and muscles often caused by traumatic injury, include pain, inflammation and difficulty in ambulation
  • meniscus injuries​
  • Cartilagenous injury and meniscus tears – often ​occuring with sprains ​and strains, may require bracing for added stability
  • tendonitis – overuse injuries that can occur with running, jumping, repetitive motion and pivot shift movements.
  • osteoarthritis, degenerative changes to the knee that reduces the amount of cartilage in the ​knee
  • Rheumatoid arthritis can result in inflammation and the destruction of knee cartilage.
  • Boney edema and fractures – usually due to an obvious trauma, can be less obvious if osteoarthritis has weakened the joint.
  • knee bursitis – inflammation of the bursae, small sacs of fluid that cushio​n the outside of the joint.

What causes these conditions?

  • The knee is formed of 3 parts the Tibia (the shin bone), the Femur (the thigh bone and the Patella (the knee cap).  The ends of the bone are covered with cartilage to absorb shock upon movement.  These three bones are held together by muscles, ligaments, and tendons.  Together they work as a hinge joint to bend into flexion and extension.
    • Injuries typically occur in the knee when the knee joint bends or moves outside of the normal hinge movement.  Knee injuries are common in athletes that involve running, jumping, and cut or pivot shift movements. 
    • Previous knee injury can predispose you to knee pain
    • Lack of flexibility and muscle strength will increase the likely hood of knee pain and injuries.
    • Excess weight can cause stress on the knee joints

What are common treatments for these conditions?

  • Restoring proper hinge joint movements of flexion and extension and strengthening the surrounding musculature of the knee is a typical goal of treatment and therapy.  This can be achieved by
    • Chiropractic manipulation
    • Physical therapy and rehabilitation,
    • Bracing
    • Class 4 laser therapy
    •  Viscosupplementation, 
    • Pulse Wave
    • Acupuncture
    • Massage therapy
    • Orthotics
  •     Proper nutrition and supplementation for joint and muscle health is a great addition to a therapy plan.

What can you do to prevent these conditions?

  • Sometimes catching the injury early can have an impact on how severe the knee is injured 
  • Strengthening the lower extremities and using proper form when working out and playing sports
  • wearing properly fitted shoes with custom orthotics that help keep the alignment of the lower extremity can be helpful
  • Warming up before playing sports with stretches or exercises designed to help in getting the lower extremities ready for action
  • Strengthen your quadriceps and hamstrings, the muscles that support your knees
  • Improve your balance
  • If you are at high risk for knee injuries, switch to low-impact sports and activities